Sunday, July 12, 2009

Random Updates

This is a picture of our baby. It's, it's.... a boy? At least we were told this by a gentelman we ran into in Memphis one day. This gentelmen said he had died and come back to life and that he could speak with birds. When he found out I was expecting he told us that it would be a son. We are still a bit skeptical.

Jeff's birthday! He requested a german chocolate cake. A first for me to make.

This is our solar oven we made. Our first attempt at banana bread didn't work out but our Chicken Delight was "delish".

This is us at the Memphis Tennessee temple. We are sad to be leaving Memphis since it was so close to the temple. Now back to 3 hour drives to Dallas. Not that we are complaining.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What does this picture say about...?

So Heidi and I were on a "we need something sweet kick" and noticed something that made our evening. Yes, we are both easily amused...but back to the point. There was something wrong with this picture of the donut racks at Wal-Mart in Shreveport, Louisiana. The shape of that brownie is not a triangle, it is in fact a rectangle (this was confirmed on Wikipedia).
At first we thought that they just have the label there for either brownies OR triangles and just had brownies there that day. But after dedicated efforts to ascertain the facts, we have never seen triangles there. Not that we know what a triangle donut is since we have never seen one, but we do know what a brownie is and have eaten many so we are somewhat experts on brownies. Some may even say Heidi has a "Brownie Obsession"...
So you be the judge as to what this picture says about_______.
****Disclaimer, the editor has censored the conclusions of this post as she thinks they are too demeaning to the various groups (wal-mart, educational system in Louisiana, bakers, people who put up labels for donut racks) involved in this sensitive matter.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I HATE Cats!

I hate cats. Maybe not your cat in particular, but I hate cats. An unknown number of cats peed on our scooter. PEED ON OUR SCOOTER! Not only our scooter but our scooter cover (which is now in the garbage). Our scooter however is not in the garbage. Our scooter had such a thick coat of feline urine that it not only penetrated my pants and my underwear but it reached the skin on my...well let's just not go there. And this was only from sitting on it for 30 seconds to start it.
So as I said before. I HATE CATS!

PS If you own a stinkin' cat or a peeing one you better keep it away from me. This is not a threat, but for informational purposes only. No cat has been harmed in the making of this post...yet....

"Your cat better not ruin my scooter!"

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Heidi's Christmas Present

This is Heidi's Christmas present from me. ISn't it great? And no, I did not draw the picture freehand. I took a couple drawings I found and combined them. Some folk may have only needed a day or two, but it took me about a week. Heidi's reaction was that she got all teary. I took that as either a really good thing or a really bad thing, but she also said "It was very thoughtful. " (Heidi says ask her for a better quote.) To get the full effect you may want to click on the pic to make it real big.

More Yellowstone

Jumping into Firehole is probably the coolest thing in Yellowstone, except for maybe if you saw a bear. This was our favorite place to go. The water is about 5-10 degress warmer than a regular 'ol river cuz there are some hot springs that feed into it as well. So jumping in doesn't freeze your toosh off. Anyway don't we just look like we are having fun?

Another Part of Our Trip to Utah

With the Schultzs, (that sounds weird don't it?) we went to Yellowstone and got our fill of clean mountain air, rivers that you can see the bottom, and mountains that are over 552 ft high. Oh, yeah we also got to hang out with Heidi's family. I learned many things about Heidi that explain so much...soooooo much.
Look at the lovely water fall. To get down here you had to walk down a bazillion steps. Most of us made it all the way down. Going down was easy, getting back up was a lot more work.

I think he is crazy.

Heidi loves my hair style!

Doesn't that just look so clean?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Part of our trip to Utah over the summer

Over the summer we took a trip back to Utah to visit family and friends and mountains. We were really excited when Tom and Brook told us they were getting sealed while we were there...actually I think they were nice enough to wait for us to come. We were all trying to avoid the blinding sun.

Ahhh...look at the cute little happy couple.

Nice cheesy grins.

Uh, are you ready Dad?

Getting closer to everyone at least looking at the camera.

No! I was not passing gas.

That's how we do it Louisiana.

Don't you love candid pictures of real life?

Look! You can see the valley behind us! Isn't it great to climb up a mountainside?

So, our trip wasn't total relaxation. Heidi had to work for our room by mowing the lawn. I can't remember clearly, but I think she said she had never mowed a lawn before. She must have been depraived growing up.